
Bespoke kitchen cabinet painter Northwich Cheshire

Looking for a Bespoke kitchen cabinet painter Northwich Cheshire you have just found the right place. We have painted over 700 kitchens to date over 20 plus years.

We were contacted in the first instance by Jeanette & Matthew, they had acquired their Mark Wilkinson kitchen via a house move. They had a good look at our website & reviews then decided to get in touch for a quote to look at transforming their kitchen. They kindly sent me photos so I was able to quote it all up. The good thing with having painted so many kitchens, we can accurately price up from photos or drawings.

Bespoke kitchen cabinet painter Northwich Cheshire

After a short while I was invited round to look at the kitchen and the job was booked in. This also allows the customer to see a couple of painted door samples that we carry round with us. We talk about the process, the paints that we use and discuss the colours. In this case Jeanette knew what she was having, Cornforth White on the outer units & Hauge Blue on the island. Having used this colour scheme before we knew it worked well and would look terrific.

Painting a Mark Wilkinson kitchen

Bespoke kitchen cabinet painter Northwich Cheshire

On the first day we will start by numbering all the doors & drawers. As well as noting which if any are sticking, before removing them all. These are then taken back to the workshop to free up space in the customer’s kitchen. The worktops are covered up as well as the floor. Once all this is completed we can fully clean and degrease all the surfaces using our preferred cleaning product. Once it is all cleaned it is then thoroughly rinsed, before allowing to dry. After this any knocks or dints are filled up before a light sand down just enough for a key. Only then can we apply the 1st coat of high adhesion primer. This paint is tinted to the topcoat colour ensuring great coverage. With the primer on and dry, we can start top coating. We apply no less than two topcoats, sometimes three with darker colours. Whilst all the frame is getting painted on site, the doors are getting the same treatment in the workshop. In addition, we refurbished the chopping block, we also had a beech wooden cupboard corner shelf made to match. Only on the last day we fit all the kitchen back together.

Bespoke kitchen cabinet painter Northwich Cheshire

We will use the same paint as Mark Wilkinson, so durability is assured as well as longevity & it looks like it has just come out of the showroom again.

Bespoke kitchen cabinet painter Northwich Cheshire
Bespoke kitchen cabinet painter Northwich Cheshire

If you have a project coming up in the future why not look through our gallery.

We are a proud member of HPKUK ltd a specially selected group of kitchen & furniture painters.

You can contact us through our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article.

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