
Hand Painted Kitchen Specialist Prestbury Cheshire

As a hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury Cheshire, we are often asked if we can undertake quality kitchen re paints. This kitchen was 16 years old and installed by Merilyn Phillips LTD , we are often asked if we can undertake quality kitchen re paints. This kitchen was 16 years old and installed by Merilyn Phillips LTD a high quality bespoke kitchen company. Merilyn had recommended us as we had recently completed another kitchen for them in The Wirral.

Hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury Cheshire

The kitchen was a typical in frame one with the lovely island with a Walnut worktop & granite on the rest. This colour as you can see looked a little dated after all this time, so it was time for a make over. Two of the fridges were changed as the oven as well as a new Quooker tap to enhance it further.

Having gone round to measure and price it all up we discussed colours, the pale grays looked good and as for the island a shade of black. Looking through the colour cards Ammonite & Off black stood out as firm favourites. With this agreed the job was booked in. hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury Cheshire

On to the Job

With having done so many kitchens our job is second nature now, fully protect all surfaces not to be painted. Remove all hardware then fully clean and degrease all the kitchen using our trusted trade cleaners. With this kitchen being so big it just takes a little longer. Before we can start to dismantle all the doors and drawers then number them. Now its all clean we can fully sand the painted surface just enough for our adhesion primers to key. The primer we used on this kitchen was an oil based grip one and perfect for a painted finish.

Starting to paint hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury Cheshire

With the kitchen now stripped down and everything on our drying racks we are ready to start painting. The frame and coving all get caulked then profiled for a sharper finish. When this is done only then are we ready to apply the primer. Once all the priming is done the kitchen now looks completely different as the primers are mixed to match the top coats. Even at this stage we still have to lightly sand and then apply two more coats of paint. Thankfully with two colleagues makes lighter work of it. The top coat paint is a hard wearing waterborne enamel which is great as its more chip resistant than any other paint on the market. Once dry it takes on a very nice sheen and one that will withstand cleaning. hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury Cheshire

Hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury CheshireI would like to thank Merilyn Phillips for passing us the job as well as John & Maureen for all their hospitality whilst we were in their home. hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury Cheshire

Hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury Cheshire

Hand painted kitchen specialist Prestbury Cheshire

If you’re reading this article and thinking about painting your kitchen we are the first port of call in Cheshire for all hand painted kitchens.

We are a very proud member of HPKUK.UK 

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