
Kitchen Painters Knutsford Cheshire

Kitchen Painters Knutsford Cheshire: We had painted their friends Beech kitchen a while back and having seen it they were suitably impressed to have theirs painted too.

kitchen Painters Knutsford Cheshire | Hand Painted Kitchens Knutsford Cheshire
kitchen Painters Knutsford Cheshire | Hand Painted Kitchens Knutsford Cheshire

Luxury kitchen Painters Knutsford Cheshire

All of the kitchens we do we’ve not come across one that we can not paint as yet. This Oak kitchen was no different. This kitchen was going to be a fairly straight forward job,  a simple on frame door. The only thing wrong with was the colour. Dark Oak kitchens just sap all the light in a kitchen. Most of the time you tended to need the lights on. By painting the units a lighter colour this gives the room a real lift. Looking at the wall tiles they were a taupe colour so the colour that worked best was Dimity, from the F&B collection.

On to the job of painting

Like all the kitchens we do, we remove all the handles and protect all the floor, worktops, appliances, before a thorough clean & degrease followed by a light sand to matt the surface. All the filling up is done before we start to sand, also the gaps between the carcases are caulked up as well as re drilling new handle holes if needed.

With Oak kitchens its important to use the correct primer. Use the wrong one and it can cause tannins to bleed through the final painted finish. The finish coat we use are always waterborne, these provide the toughest finish that’s around today. They dry quick, in addition to this they don’t change colour as dramatically as oil paints overtime. Now we have a kitchen that is so much lighter as well as blending in with the wall tiles.

kitchen Painters Knutsford Cheshire | Hand Painted Kitchens Knutsford Cheshire

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JS Decor: co-founders of the highly regarded HPKUK ltd

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